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Digital Events Ideas for Companies During Confinement and Reopening

Guest Writer
Jul 02, 2020
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Whether your region has already opened back up or not, these digital events ideas can be vital for your business strategy right now! 

The coronavirus outbreak has changed the business landscape as we know it. Due to the lockdown and social distancing rules, many businesses have had to close permanently, while others are struggling to stay afloat. While all companies have been forced to adhere to the lockdown rules and regulations, they have found these digital events ideas to be a highly effective way to engage their customers.

Organizing digital events is nothing new, but the recent outbreak has left many businesses with no other choice but to use various digital events to maintain their brand persona. Here we are going to take a look at some digital events ideas that you can use to engage your audience.

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Digital events ideas for companies

Live streaming events

There’s a reason why live streaming is known as the backbone of virtual events. That’s because live streaming is the perfect way of organizing sessions and presentations in-person. Organizing live streaming events is also an excellent way for companies to interact with their audience

Live streaming sessions often allow the audience to share their opinions via comments, which can then be addressed during the live streaming session. This makes live streaming, by far, the best way to engage an audience, especially during the lockdown and social distancing. 

But, one thing that organizers need to factor in is to be considerate of the timing of their live streaming event. Since you are going to be hosting a live streaming event, you need to keep in mind your audience’s time constraints, which is a common challenge that organizers of live streaming events face.

Learn more about live streaming for businesses here!

Virtual entertainment

Just because you’re taking your event digital does not mean you cannot entertain your audience. In fact, there are plenty of ways that you can keep your audience entertained, one of which is by organizing musical performances, which tends to translate very well in a virtual setting. The best part is, sponsoring or hosting this sort of event does not have to be live. You can have artists pre-record their performances before the actual broadcast date.


Health and wellbeing is a major concern for people these days, and rightly so. It is possible to organize virtual health and wellness activities in which your audience can participate. This is a great idea, especially if you are operating in the health and wellness niche. 

Even if making it to the gym is impossible due to the pandemic, you can bring exercises and workouts to your audience. The digital health and fitness activities that you can organize include exercises, yoga, and meditation sessions. A simple Q&A session by answering your audience’s questions can also be highly engaging and call a health expert who can provide suitable answers to their queries.

How-to tutorials

Creating how-to tutorials are important for promoting products or services, as well as engaging your community. Many people are still unfamiliar with the digital format when it comes to participating in virtual events. To make it easier for them, you can put together an intro tutorial video that will showcase what your audience can expect at the virtual event you are about to organize and how they can navigate the platform’s various features.

Online education

Speaking of educating your audience, the corporate digital events you organize could involve educational content. If you offer a product or service, now is the best time to create online education videos that your audience can access via your business website, social media accounts, or video platforms. 

Creating educational content is an excellent way for businesses to showcase their products or services. It allows your business to ensure that potential customers know how those products or services work, even if they cannot physically make it to your place of business.

Final Thoughts on digital events ideas

When it comes to organizing corporate digital events, the one thing to keep in mind is timing. This is especially true for those who are planning to host a live streaming event for their audience. The good news is that the age of organizing digital events such as those mentioned above is only beginning.

With many streaming platforms already gaining in popularity, it’s easy to see that more and more companies are going to start organizing their own versions of corporate digital events to keep their audiences engaged during this time of confinement and post-confinement.

What are your digital events ideas for your business?

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