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How to Grow Your Business with Webinars

Mayra Gomes
Mar 06, 2018
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Are you trying to grow your business without spending a lot of money? It’s not easy, is it? One of the most cost-effective ways to see growth is with webinars. Regardless of what your business is or what you sell, products or services, you can grow your business with webinars without spending all your money. On this blog post we are going to show you exactly why you need to start creating webinars and how it can help you grow your business.


What are Webinars?

Simply put, webinars are live online seminars, which involve training and interaction. As Jill Schiefelbein puts it, “a webinar is a LIVE, interactive seminar done online. It’s a way for you to captivate and engage an audience. It’s a venue for interaction where you can gain valuable insights from your audience or help them come to valuable insights of their own.”

Despite what many people may think, webinars can be used by any type of business. They aren’t only beneficial to online businesses. There is always something valuable that you can teach your audience, related to your industry. What can you teach your audience about your business?


Grow your Business with Webinars

With webinars, you can grow your business by generating leads, increasing sales, reaching a bigger audience, establishing credibility and getting insights on your audience. For a webinar to be successful, you will need quality content and an audience to interact with.

Generate new leads & increase sales

Webinars are your chance to educate your audience about a topic within your industry. When you share your knowledge and offer something valuable, people will sign up for your webinar. To grow your business with webinars, think about something related to your field you can share but independent from your product or service.

Once you define your topic, you can promote your webinar and ask people to sign up in exchange for their email address. It’s a great lead generating strategy. You give them knowledge and they give you their contact information. But, you’ll need to deliver what you offered. It’s all about setting and meeting their expectations. Preferably exceeding their expectations.

A webinar is also a great chance for you to grow your email list, also known as list building, and work on your email marketing strategy. With so many changes going on in the way search engines rank your website and the businesses’ discoverability on social media, list building is essential to keep in touch with your customers and potential customers.

During your webinar, you can also prepare exclusive offers for your attendees. Since it’s a highly engaging environment, you can get great conversion rates and increase your sales. Your audience also gets to ask you questions on the spot and learn more about your company and product.  

Reach bigger audience

A webinar expands your reach and capacity. In other words, it allows you to reach a bigger audience than you could ever fit in a venue. Most importantly, for much less money. Although in-person events have their advantages, webinars are a better option if you don’t want to make big investments.

There is something known as FOMO, which stands for “Fear Of Missing Out”. We all have this fear that if we miss an event, will be missing out on something great. With live video is no different. You can play on that to make sure you reach a bigger audience. To grow your business with webinars, it is all about gathering people in that moment and make it worth their while.

Establish Credibility

Even if you don’t make any sales during your webinars, they will be valuable to you. Helping people and showing what you know, gets them to trust you. Maybe they don’t want your product or service right now for whatever reason. But, when they do need it, they will come to you and not your competitor.

After a few webinars, you will become the go-to person on that topic and you will establish credibility. If your expertise is valuable to your audience, they will appreciate you sharing it. They might share it themselves and that’s how you grow your business with webinars. 

Quick tip: To come up with what to share or teach on your webinars, think about what you get asked often by clients and prospects. Or think about questions people ask related to your industry. Maybe they want to learn about your routine, manufacturing process, tools you use etc.

Insights on your audience

Last but not least, use webinars to gain insights on your audience. During your live video, you have a chance to take polls and ask them questions to learn more about them. You can also learn a lot by paying attention to their questions. If you notice a recurrent theme, it can be your next webinar topic.

To grow your business with webinars, you will need to focus on the topics your audience likes. If you have other kinds of content, what are the most popular topics? Regarding those topics, what are people most curious about? What are they eager to learn? Asking yourself these kinds of questions will give you great insight and help you attract more people.

You can also learn about your audience by analyzing your results. How many people registered to your webinar versus how many people attended? What are the demographics of those who attended? What about those who didn’t? If you offered a product, who bought it right away? Who commented the most? Following this train of thought, you will be able to learn a lot about who is interested in you and your company.

In Summary

There are many ways to grow your business. But most of them require huge investments. Webinars need to be part of your growth strategy, specially because of how cost-effective they are. To grow your business with webinars you don’t need a big budget, you need great content.

The greatest advantage of live video, like a webinar or any other kind, is the close interaction with your audience. Webinars allow you to generate new leads, increase sales, and reach bigger audiences. They are also a great way to establish your credibility in your field and learn more about your audience.


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