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8 Best Distance Learning Tips for Students

Guest Writer
Jun 03, 2021
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Being an online student is far from easy. Here are 8 of the best distance learning tips for students to learn the most!

Adapting to the online learning life has been hard for many students and teachers. Sticking to a routine during distance learning is not an easy task. Here are some distance learning tips for students that can make a huge difference in the overall learning experience.

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8 Best Distance Learning Tips For Students


1. Set a Fixed Time for Coursework

Those who are new to distance learning tend to find it tricky to engage without being explicitly instructed by a teacher. Assignments can be ignored or forgotten easily in a distance learning course, and studying from home can get too comfortable for some. Being self-disciplined and organized is necessary. Hence, set a fixed time for your studies.  

2. Don’t Rush Through It

Sometimes, students think that they have it easy by enrolling in distance learning and complete it faster than traditional, in-class courses. Although you do save time not commuting to campus, you should not attempt to finish course work faster or dismiss your online courses as easier. In fact, they can sometimes be more challenging than the in-class ones. 

3. Allocate Time for Queries

Instructors should see to it that their distance learning courses support students with dynamic interactivity. A good course requires students to interact with their peers and teachers regularly to collaborate and learn better. 

Just because a class is conducted online doesn’t mean you don’t have the opportunity to ask a question. A good instructor will always make sure that questions are welcomed and encouraged. This is a critical educational standard that must not be ignored.

4. Take Advantage of Online Resources

There are many online educational resources on social media apps like YouTube, Khan Academy, and Coursera. These will not clear your concepts but also help you become a self-directed and independent learner. This will make you get used to taking control of your learning as you go through the web for resources to understand complex concepts. 

Check out this blog post for online resources for teachers!

5. Study Efficiently

Adopt passive study techniques, such as rote memorization or highlighting text to boost your productivity.

You can also create your own flashcards, distribute learning throughout the day to avoid burnout, practice spaced repetition, and participate in Q&A sessions to learn what you discussed. 

Another technique that bears positive results is the Pomodoro technique. It is a time management method that splits study sessions into 25-minute chunks, separated by 5 minute breaks. This way, students can concentrate without losing focus. 

6. Give Yourself a Break from Social Media

Turn off the television and, most importantly, put your phone away. In the past few years, smartphones have made our lives a lot easier, but they can also end up as a major distraction. Therefore, limit your social media usage and avoid checking on your notifications during study sessions. 

7. Use Alarms and Calendars

Good organization skills are crucial to distance learning. Once you receive your course plans or syllabus, mention all the important dates on your calendar. Students who forget assignments in distance learning are not given any leeway. Therefore, use mobile apps to set up alarms and reminders in order to perform better in your online class. 

8. Eat Healthy Snacks and Meals

This may not seem related to distance learning, but it can have a huge indirect impact on your studies. Foods such as fish, berries, yogurt, seeds, and nuts keep your body strong and improve your cognition. Sugar can be appealing, particularly chocolate, but excessive intake is unhealthy and might make you sluggish. Always make sure to drink ample water. 

However, avoid eating during your online class even if your video is disabled. It can distract others. Instead, eat during break time. 

Final Thoughts

Are you a teacher? Are your students struggling with distance learning? Ask them to follow the tips mentioned above. Besides, you can arrange a session and have a discussion with them on what can be done to improve their experience. 

If you want to deliver engaging online classes, download ManyCam for free today, connect it to your teaching platform, and access tons of live video tools.

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