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How to Build Healthy Habits that Boost Productivity

Guest Writer
Jun 24, 2021
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The best way to live a better life and amp up your productivity is to build healthy habits, and here is how!


Making the conscious choice to be healthy helps us feel better and increase our life span. We’re creatures of habit, and training our brains to build healthy habits is not just a matter of strong willpower but the consistency to keep at it. In addition, creating a healthy and sustainable lifestyle can significantly boost our productivity and the way we perceive the world. 

Often, when we try to increase our productivity through habits, a minor setback can halt the progress, which is very frustrating. 

So how can you build healthy habits that will boost productivity? Let’s find out below. 


How to Build Healthy Habits that Boost Productivity


1. Follow a Routine 


Routines can help by offering a structure and organization to your day, which can seriously improve your health and wellbeing. People who do not have routines could suffer from the following: 

  • Stress
  • Lack of sleep
  • An improper diet 
  • Lack of physical activity 
  • Ineffective use of time 

Routines do not have to be mundane; the benefits you will enjoy from having a routine will make you question why you didn’t start earlier. Routines can be fun, and setting up a routine in the morning or at night can help you get a kick-start to the day. 


2. Set goals


“If you’re bored with life – you don’t get up every morning with a burning desire to do things – you don’t have enough goals.” – Lou Holtz

Setting goals can be extremely crucial to your personal growth. Have short-term and long-term goals. On days that you feel slightly demotivated about short-term goals, have a quick look at your long-term goals and reflect on how far you have come. You can set them in the following order: 

  • Daily goals 
  • Weekly goals 
  • Monthly goals 
  • Yearly goals 

Do you know who else had goals that helped them navigate through life? Barack Obama knew since 4th grade that he wanted to become the President of the United States one day. Lady Gaga knew she was a pop star before the rest of the world did.

Keep a journal of your progress and keep it handy. It is very easy to sidetrack, but the key is to keep the hustle going. 


3. Self-care


To build healthy habits, you will have to indulge in self-care, which means consciously caring about your physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. And it could be as simple as not checking your phone at night because it could affect your sleep cycle.

Self-care encourages you in many ways but, most importantly, maintaining a healthy relationship with yourself, consequently radiating that positive energy with others. Self-care is not being selfish but rather aware of your needs to understand how you can become the best version of yourself and help others around you attain the same level of self-actualization. 

Following are some actions you can take for your self-care: 

  • Practice gratitude often 
  • Open your mind to new experiences 
  • Find out what things matter to you the most 
  • Have a proper routine 
  • Exercise and meditate 
  • Value and respect your time


4. Stack habits 

The best way to optimize new habits is to stack them with old ones. Identify patterns from your daily routine to understand which habits could go best with which. For example: 


Morning routines

While having that daily mug of coffee, start journaling or listening to the news to keep yourself updated with the latest trends. The coffee is already your habit and the second one is the habit you want to implement. 


Night routines

While brushing your teeth at night, couple it with washing your face right after, as it will clean off excess dirt from your face before you go to bed. 


5. Keep track of your progress

Once you have built a set of healthy habits for yourself, you must keep a check on your progress by assessing what routine works best for you and moving in that direction. Do the following to keep yourself motivated: 


Reward yourself 

Rewards play an integral part in the formation of habits. For instance, when brushing our teeth, we instantly experience a fresh minty breath, making it easier to convince ourselves to do it. But with more significant challenges like weight loss or studying for an exam the night before, the results take time, and the process requires patience. So reward yourself by scheduling a meet-up with your friend as soon as you meet your deadlines, or better yet, convince your friend to be your gym buddy!


Make improvements 

When you know the habit or routine is not working out, try to make improvements for better results. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to do this, so never lose focus.


Final Thoughts on Healthy Habits


Healthy habits are the foundation of a better and more productive life. Give these tips a try, start small and let us know how it goes!


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